Health Protocols

Students with a temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or greater, vomiting, diarrhea, a severe cold, or any other infectious disease should remain home in order to avoid infecting others. Please use the following guidelines to determine when a student may return to class: Any student who develops a fever should be fever-free without medication for at least 24 hours before returning to CharacterWorks. A student may return to CharacterWorks 24 hours after his or her last vomiting episode.

Assumption of Risk

Revised 7/30/21

By registering for class, we acknowledge and agree that participation in a CharacterWorks class session involves a certain degree of risk; including contracting COVID-19, and then potentially passing it on to other family members. Due to the contagious nature of COVID-19 and the proximity of personal interaction with others we acknowledge that there is an elevated risk of individuals contracting the disease simply by being present on a CWorks campus and being involved in a CWorks class session. This elevated risk applies to both CWorks students and their parent(s)/guardian(s). We acknowledge and agree that after carefully considering these risks, and having the ability to discuss these risks with any health care professional of our choosing, we voluntarily acknowledge that returning to in-person classes and other in-person CWorks functions is the choice of each family, including ours.

If we or our student(s) have underlying health concerns which may place us at greater risk of contracting any communicable disease, including COVID-19, we acknowledge and agree that we will consult with a health care professional before we or our student(s) attend in-person instruction or attend any CWorks function. Additionally, we acknowledge that while adherence to safety and precautionary measures (which include, but are not limited to physical distancing, face masks, hand washing, utilizing outdoor class spaces when possible), may reduce possible exposure or contraction of COVID-19, the possibility of serious illness and death still remains despite all efforts to reduce that risk. With that knowledge, we hereby accept and assume sole responsibility for any illness that we or our student(s) may acquire when entering a CWorks campus or attending any CWorks function, including possible infection with COVID-19.

We further acknowledge, understand, and agree that we have obligations to CWorks, its staff, teachers and students, to take certain precautions and make certain disclosures to prevent the spread of communicable diseases such as COVID-19. We agree to comply with the safety measures presented by CWorks, including rules relating to whether or under what circumstances students, parents/guardians, and other family members may come to a CWorks campus or attend CWorks classes or functions.

It is my/our understanding, that while the mission of CWorks hasn’t changed, the implementation of “how the program operates” will be “adjusted” during this ever-changing season of adapting to the state mandated as well as suggested guidelines. Our family’s consent to participate in a CWorks session is representative of our commitment to demonstrating a positive attitude by consistently adhering to all guidelines and procedures and reminding my student(s) of the expectations as well in order to create as safe as possible a learning environment for all participants involved.