
In this musical adaptation of the 2016 Disney animated film, the adventures of Moana and her village of Motunui come to life onstage. This thrilling and heartwarming coming-of-age story follows the strong-willed Moana as she sets sail across the Pacific to save her village and discover the truth about her heritage. Moana and the legendary Maui embark on an epic journey of self-discovery and camaraderie as both learn to harness the power that lies within. With empowering messages of bravery and selflessness, Moana JR. is sure to bring out the hero within each of us.

Moana JR. features all the beloved songs from the film, written by Tony®, GRAMMY, Emmy, and Pulitzer Prize-winning composer Lin-Manuel Miranda, Opetaia Foa’i, and Mark Mancina, including “How Far I’ll Go,” “Shiny,” and “You’re Welcome.” Celebrate the rich history and culture of the people Oceania and the Pacific Islands with Moana JR. this October, and see how far you'll go!

Dates / Times:

  • Friday, Oct 18th @ 6:30pm
  • Saturday, Oct 19th @ 10:30am
  • Saturday, Oct 19th @ 2:30pm
  • Saturday, Oct 19th @ 6:30pm
  • Sunday, Oct 20th @ 2:30pm
  • Sunday, Oct 20th @ 6:30pm

Ticket Prices:

The Cultural Arts Center at Glen Allen:

2880 Mountain Road, Glen Allen, VA 23060



  • Aaron Kidd
  • Adrian Kovach
  • Amelia Higgins
  • Andrew Smith
  • Anna Smiley
  • Ashley Murphy
  • Audrey Doyle
  • Autumn Wallace
  • Charlotte Logan
  • Collins Norton
  • Cooper Rogers
  • Dakota Abrahamsen
  • David Doyle
  • Elise Anderson
  • Ella Green
  • Ella Martin
  • Emma Abell
  • Emma Sanabria
  • Etta Moffitt
  • Evelyn Stoloff
  • Faith Dodd
  • Findley Fraser
  • Finley Hart
  • Gabby Pineda
  • Gentry Besedich
  • Georgia-Hope (Hope) Haufler
  • Hannah Sottile
  • Harmony Malpass
  • Haven Johnson
  • Henley Newkirk
  • Isabelle Koneru
  • Isabelle Zehner
  • Isla Blackman
  • Jackson Heigel
  • Jaxon Mannon
  • Jet Bowman
  • Kailey Kotze
  • Kalli Norton
  • Kalyan Koneru
  • Kathryn Kidd
  • Keira McDermott
  • Kendall Ceneviva
  • Kendyl Norton
  • Lauren Brown
  • Layla Dwelle
  • Leighton Griffin
  • Liana McCaffery
  • Libby Long
  • Lilli Duke
  • Lillie Nolin
  • Lily Johnson
  • Logan Hayes
  • Lorelei Wittig
  • Lucy Smith
  • Maddie McFarlane
  • Maddy Rogers
  • Madeline Shuey
  • Marlee Dinelli
  • Molly Crain
  • Nash Cooley
  • Natalie Amaral
  • Natalie Gonzalez
  • Natasha Wilkins
  • Noah Sleeman
  • Nora Blackman
  • Nora Sturdevant
  • Olivia (Livi) Young
  • Penelope Pike
  • Piper Bateman
  • Riley Willard
  • Sadie Williamson
  • Sam Riddle
  • Savannah Winn
  • Serafina Remigio
  • Sydnee Stewart
  • Taliah McCaffery
  • Teddi Babcock
  • Violet Airewele
  • Wells Norton
  • Will Ungerer
  • William Lippard
  • Zoe White


  • Sydnee Stewart


  • Collins Norton

Gramma Tala

  • Kalli Norton

Chief Ancestor 1

  • Emma Abell

Chief Ancestor 2

  • Ella Martin

Chief Ancestor 3

  • Andrew Smith

Chief Tui

  • Wells Norton


  • Emma Sanabria


  • Leighton Griffin

Hei Hei

  • Adrian Kovach


  • Kathryn Kidd

Left Claw

  • Isabelle Koneru

Right Claw

  • Haven Johnson

Te Ka / Te Fiti

  • Finley Hart

Fisher 1

  • William Lippard

Fisher 2

  • Anna Smiley

Villager 1

  • Layla Dwelle

Villager 2

  • Jet Bowman

Villager 3

  • Logan Hayes

Villager 4

  • Violet Airewele

Villager 5

  • Lillie Nolin

Villager 6

  • Keira McDermott

Gate Monster

  • Elise Anderson

Maui Soloist 1

  • Audrey Doyle

Maui Soloist 2

  • David Doyle

Storyteller Ensemble

  • Andrew Smith
  • Anna Smiley
  • Ashley Murphy
  • Ella Martin
  • Emma Abell
  • Emma Sanabria
  • Finley Hart
  • Haven Johnson
  • Isabelle Koneru
  • Jet Bowman
  • Kathryn Kidd
  • Keira McDermott
  • Kendyl Norton
  • Lauren Brown
  • Layla Dwelle
  • Lillie Nolin
  • Logan Hayes
  • Marlee Dinelli
  • Natalie Gonzalez
  • Piper Bateman
  • Violet Airewele
  • Wells Norton
  • William Lippard

Monster Ensemble

  • Aaron Kidd
  • Adrian Kovach
  • Audrey Doyle
  • Cooper Rogers
  • Dakota Abrahamsen
  • David Doyle
  • Elise Anderson
  • Harmony Malpass
  • Jaxon Mannon
  • Kailey Kotze
  • Lauren Brown
  • Leighton Griffin
  • Molly Crain
  • Nash Cooley
  • Noah Sleeman
  • Serafina Remigio

Shiny Ensemble

  • Amelia Higgins
  • Anna Smiley
  • Autumn Wallace
  • Charlotte Logan
  • Ella Green
  • Etta Moffitt
  • Faith Dodd
  • Findley Fraser
  • Gabby Pineda
  • Gentry Besedich
  • Hannah Sottile
  • Henley Newkirk
  • Isabelle Zehner
  • Isla Blackman
  • Jackson Heigel
  • Jet Bowman
  • Kalli Norton
  • Kalyan Koneru
  • Kendall Ceneviva
  • Liana McCaffery
  • Libby Long
  • Lillie Nolin
  • Lily Johnson
  • Lucy Smith
  • Maddie McFarlane
  • Maddy Rogers
  • Natalie Amaral
  • Natasha Wilkins
  • Nora Blackman
  • Nora Sturdevant
  • Olivia (Livi) Young
  • Penelope Pike
  • Piper Bateman
  • Riley Willard
  • Sadie Williamson
  • Sam Riddle
  • Savannah Winn
  • Taliah McCaffery
  • Teddi Babcock
  • Will Ungerer
  • Zoe White

Logo Te Pate Ensemble

  • Andrew Smith
  • Ashley Murphy
  • Ella Martin
  • Emma Abell
  • Emma Sanabria
  • Evelyn Stoloff
  • Finley Hart
  • Georgia-Hope (Hope) Haufler
  • Keira McDermott
  • Kendyl Norton
  • Layla Dwelle
  • Lilli Duke
  • Logan Hayes
  • Lorelei Wittig
  • Madeline Shuey
  • Marlee Dinelli
  • Natalie Gonzalez
  • Violet Airewele
  • Wells Norton
  • William Lippard

Villager & Maui Ensemble

  • Aaron Kidd
  • Adrian Kovach
  • Amelia Higgins
  • Andrew Smith
  • Anna Smiley
  • Ashley Murphy
  • Audrey Doyle
  • Autumn Wallace
  • Charlotte Logan
  • Cooper Rogers
  • Dakota Abrahamsen
  • David Doyle
  • Elise Anderson
  • Ella Green
  • Ella Martin
  • Emma Abell
  • Emma Sanabria
  • Etta Moffitt
  • Evelyn Stoloff
  • Faith Dodd
  • Findley Fraser
  • Finley Hart
  • Gabby Pineda
  • Gentry Besedich
  • Georgia-Hope (Hope) Haufler
  • Hannah Sottile
  • Harmony Malpass
  • Haven Johnson
  • Henley Newkirk
  • Isabelle Koneru
  • Isabelle Zehner
  • Isla Blackman
  • Jackson Heigel
  • Jaxon Mannon
  • Jet Bowman
  • Kailey Kotze
  • Kalyan Koneru
  • Kathryn Kidd
  • Keira McDermott
  • Kendall Ceneviva
  • Kendyl Norton
  • Lauren Brown
  • Layla Dwelle
  • Leighton Griffin
  • Liana McCaffery
  • Libby Long
  • Lilli Duke
  • Lillie Nolin
  • Lily Johnson
  • Logan Hayes
  • Lorelei Wittig
  • Lucy Smith
  • Maddie McFarlane
  • Maddy Rogers
  • Madeline Shuey
  • Marlee Dinelli
  • Molly Crain
  • Nash Cooley
  • Natalie Amaral
  • Natalie Gonzalez
  • Natasha Wilkins
  • Noah Sleeman
  • Nora Blackman
  • Nora Sturdevant
  • Olivia (Livi) Young
  • Penelope Pike
  • Piper Bateman
  • Riley Willard
  • Sadie Williamson
  • Sam Riddle
  • Savannah Winn
  • Serafina Remigio
  • Taliah McCaffery
  • Teddi Babcock
  • Violet Airewele
  • Wells Norton
  • Will Ungerer
  • William Lippard
  • Zoe White